Welcome to the Nonprofit Snapshot blog!

Remember that time when you turned on your car and the sound was just… wrong? And the lights on your dashboard may have briefly yelled at you, but you just couldn’t tell if the problem was your alternator or the battery, or maybe a fuel-delivery issue… We’ve all made the “What noise is my car making?” query at least once. Sometimes you can make a best guess at the problem, but more often than not, you’re going to need a mechanic to both make a diagnosis and to properly fix the car. In the nonprofit world...

In the nonprofit world, of course, the dashboard looks different. Those "bad sounds" surface like a lot of worrisome questions: Why are donors leaving? Why are volunteers leaving? Why is our website traffic down? Or, why has no one bought tickets to the upcoming event? And those questions lead to several more questions. But even if you can identify the root problems, sometimes all you’ve got is a board-room full of uncertainty and no plan for a fix. It's hard to wrap one's head around the loss of the causes you're passionate about.  Never-mind all the issues of fiduciary responsibility at hand. 

You need a mechanic. And you should not wait. Your mission remains relevant.

In a recent blog entry, I wrote "effective leaders know when to ask for help." These are strange but sobering days. Recent research suggests that as many as a third of nonprofits across the sector think they may not survive the next six months. We've talked about "the pivot" on the Nonprofit SnapCast. Many more organizations continue to examine their scope of services and the possibility of charting out options for restructuring service delivery as the uncertainty of pandemic continues to unfold around us. 

Let Nonprofit Snapshot help you take a look under the hood. If we cannot help you, we may recommend people who can. Nonprofit Snapshot has reduced rates on a wide variety of services to help you and your organization. Everything from database help, to website tweaks, to communications and strategic planning. We will tailor these offerings to the needs of any nonprofit that could use some help. This list of service offerings will continue to expand as Nonprofit Snapshot partners with others who can collaboratively help nonprofits. Please do keep checking back.

If you cannot afford these rates, talk to us. We're here to help. We will stand with you throughout the uncertainty. 

More information about the consulting we provide can be found under our Consulting tab.